Gamer girls/women with PS3s?

Ok, so I can imagine what anybody who saw question's title was thinkikng. "Oh, jeez. Not another sad gamer guy looking for girls who play video games." Lol. Before you judge me at all or any further, just hear me out. The reason I even posted this was to see if there were any girls or women who own a ps3 that have the same games as I do. A few games that I play are Battlefield 3, Minecraft, Dragonball Z UT. In online games, I always end up with guys, and it's usually several of a few groups. The one's with microphones, without one, the guy who has one on but won't talk or won't use it, or the guy who has one and is just yapping away about some random subject lol. I personally like hanging out with women outside the "virtual world" so I'd like to enjoy doing that while playing a game. I also have the first Black Ops lol. Haven't bought BO2 or Ghosts yet. Or BF4. If I get at least 3 replies, or just 1 if replies don't exactly come "rolling in" I'll add a little edit to this question with my PSN for those who are interested in adding me. I do work, so I'm not on all day, and when I'm able to get on, it's usually for a few hours. On my days off, of course, that's different. Anyways, I'm rambling lol. Thanks for you time and replies in advance!

Added (1). Also, I'm 20 years old.
and if anyone wonders why I say "girls/women", it's because I see girls in their teens as girls, and women my age and above, as just that (women). Just thought I'd clarify.

Added (2). Oh, and I do have a mic. I haven't owned Black Ops 1 for a few years up until about a month ago, so I don't have the dlc for it. Just remembered to mention that.

If you want to play black ops… And your any good at it add saltychick