I just downloaded the new update for Minecraft 1.9, equipped the elytra, but can't fly. I'm currently running vanilla 1.9 and have tried everything to fly. Anyone else experiencing this or know how to help?
Why can't I fly with the elytra in Minecraft 1.9?
Bradley Kessler 29.02.2016
You have to jump (originally set to spacebar) in midair
Charlie 29.02.2016
You didn't plug the pig up to the hydrocensor under the illusion core. Also try running the quad censor cable to the double graphics hardware card.
Guest 29.02.2016
The elytra does not allow you to fly, it allows you to glide. Jump off of an ledge and look down and then up.
Patrick 29.02.2016
You have to walk off of something tall, look forwards if you want to go straight and then space bar.
Guest 04.03.2016
It won't work I did everyone's advice but still no.
Guest 11.03.2016
You need to hold down the space bar when you fly/glide
Guest 13.03.2016
I'm pressing space in midair but it dosent want to glide D;
Guest 07.05.2016
Do you hold or press the spacebar?
Guest 29.12.2016