Why am i not getting subscribers on my youtube gaming channel?

I'm not here to ask you to subscribe to my channel. I'm merely asking you to look at it and tell me what i'm doing wrong? I post on a regular schedule, everyday except Wednesdays and holidays, and i think my videos aren't low quality. Why am i not gaining subscribers? Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm even collaborating with other Youtubers. I've been at it for a month or two. Https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3B8MHodzfK_rf0rt8b-mxQ

I'm not here to ask you to subscribe to my channel. I'm merely asking you to look at it and tell me what i'm doing wrong? I post on a regular schedule, everyday except Wednesdays and holidays, and i think my videos aren't low quality. Why am i not gaining subscribers? Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm even collaborating with other Youtubers. I've been at it for a month or two. Https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3B8MHodzfK_rf0rt8b-mxQ You're doing Minecraft mainly it seems. Minecraft videos are SUPER common on YouTube, so the odds of people stumbling upon yours is minimal at best (plus the popularity of Minecraft videos aren't as high as they used to be)

You're a brand new channel, did you really expect your video to stand out among the thousands of others, especially since no one has seen your channel before, you don't have custom thumbnails, etc. No exciting titles to the videos, and you have random other videos from Halo and such as well, no cohesion. Stick to a series or at least have proper formatting. Because your really gay lolz I took one look at your channel, went "oh, more minecraft videos", then clicked Back. That's just my opinion, of course, but there's an awful lot of Minecraft on YouTube.

Because your really gay lolz

I took one look at your channel, went "oh, more minecraft videos", then clicked Back. That's just my opinion, of course, but there's an awful lot of Minecraft on YouTube.