What's the best minecraft gaming laptop under $200?

I would like to get a new laptop for minecraft with atleast 6-8GB of ram but i need the laptop to be $200 or less.

Your joking, right?


Find a used one at some thrift store, pawn shop, or bid at one of those ripoff competitive bidding sites. Might get something after you try quite a few times. See Craig's List or Ebay if someone is desperate to sell at a vast loss for grocery money or credit card bill payments.

I'm confident you're not going to find any laptop with that much RAM for less than $200. The best you're gonna get for that price range is perhaps 2GB.

Finding a laptop for Minecraft on that budget will be challenging. I would bump your budget up to $400. Otherwise, a Chromebook running Linux is your best option. See if you can find a refurbished Acer C720 with 4GB of RAM- it'll easily be the most powerful option in your price range.