What should I do for reaching the 2,000 subscriber checkmark on YouTube?

Basically, my YouTube channel is a music channel featuring only songs remade in Minecraft with note blocks. I have over 35 videos up, all different songs, and I'm at about 1970 subscribers now and 2000 is a very big checkpoint for me. What should I do to show my appreciation to my subscribers and viewers for supporting me? (Not trying to advertise, but my channel name is "BlazzingBlocks". Maybe you could check it out and some idea could spark into your mind?)

Try telling all your friends about it, even non minecrafters. They probably know someone who does play minecraft and they will tell them. Eventually they will tell more people and you will gain more views, subscribers and eventually get to your goal. Also if you have an instagram, facebook or blog be sure to post on there about it. If you haven't got an instagram page, they are really helpful when it comes to marketing. Just be sure to keep it to one subject (don't post random pics of your breakfast, keep it minecraft related) and inform followers of new videos coming out and any updates. You can also use it to find out what song people want to hear.

Hope this helps and remember to give me 5 stars if it does.

You could upload a map with most of the songs that you did