I punch trees with my bear hand. BEAR hand. Pun intended.
What's the first thing you do in a new minecraft world?
Building houses is useless I get my tools to stone and hunt for lots of food. When I've got plenty of food I go mining for enough to make iron armour and tools/weapons. Then I build a house (before I dug a small opening in the side of a dirt mountain and placed a door)
Well, i hit the 'W' key of course. Then i punch my wood until it breaks.
Build a house
Get recourses as in food and tools. Then go mining; After that. Make a house!
Build a mud hut.
From the outside it appears a simple hut, but inside lies a complex, subterranean catacomb. Each branch extending for miles, twists and turns, rises and sharp pitfalls. At the end of only 1 corridor lies a chest full of gold and diamonds.