What is the latest Linux OS? Will play games or not? Like minecraft and bf4?

What is the latest Linux OS? Will play games or not? Like minecraft and bf4?

Added (1). And How do I update gpu graphics drivers on them?

See distrowatch.com. There are many Linux distributions and new ones are constantly being released. Ubuntu 14.10 is due this month, and you can download the beta. Some games don't work in Linux, but Steam games do, they even have Steam OS which is a form of Linux.

You want one that is solid and stable, not bleeding edge. Slackware 14.1 has been out a year, and is about as rock solid stable as it gets. Ubuntu tends to favor bleeding edge libs and should be avoided. There are other good distros out there as well.

Gaming is alive and well on Linux. Some don't work, many work very well. These days I don't play games that won't run on Linux. Minecraft works very well on Linux, better than it does on Windows.