What is the best gaming pc for €800 that delivers to Ireland?

I'm looking to get a gaming pc for about €800, I know that it is alot cheaper to just build a custom PC but I do not feel that I would be able to do that.

I have been looking at a few websites such as
and http://www.komplett.ie/Komplett/site/KomplettHome.aspx
but I have no idea which one is good/bad. I'm mostly into console gaming so i don't really want to pay for a pc that is over €800, i mostly use my current laptop to play Minecraft, stream movies and render videos (I currently don't play other games because my laptop can't handle them very well)

I was going to buy the alienware x51 (i5) for €799 but alot of people say that they are over priced for the components that are actually init so i'm hoping that somebody can help be out by sending me a link to a pc that is better than the alienware x51 for about €800 because if i can't find a better one ill just end up buying the x51 because thats about the only one i know that is good for gaming (my friend has it and says its really good)

If you are sending me a link to one that is on http://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/ all the pcs are listed in pounds (£) so €800 would be about £655.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Added (1). Also the HDD must be at least 500 GB but preferably 1 TB

Building a PC isn't hard. The hardest part is making sure you buy everything you're going to need. Once you have the parts, putting them together is easy. I highly recommend it - you'll learn a lot about what makes a computer work.

While I haven't looked, I suspect there are checklists you can find online that list everything needed to build a computer. It may be a long list, but don't let that overwhelm you. Once you have them all, just take each piece one at a time and put it where it will obviously belong.

You should give these guys a try http://www.custompc.ie/

It won't work.

It won't work.