What is a good way to gain Subscribers on YouTube?

I'm made a Minecraft channel, and I tried to share it with my friends on Facebook and Google Plus, but it didn't work.

I'm trying to be funny, make good quality videos, and share it with my friends, but didn't work.

I need a fast way to advertise my channel, and I don't need a site to buy bots. I need a better strategy to gain subs.

Any advice? Please help me, I'm tired of waiting, and I need a real answer, not this "Get a cute girl" or being a troll, or something, but I need a good REAL answer.

Just be good at what your doing. If your boring and your video titles are boring I wouldn't watch it.

You could try asking for shout outs on youtube or other sites like twitter and facebook. Don't post in the comments of other videos because people are likely to ignore and you will be wasting your time. You could try spreading it around, getting post it notes or something similar and writing your link and channel name down and sticking them around the place like leaflets. People may be intrigued and more likely to check you out. You could ask other youtubers who are growing to feature you in their video and you could pair up for a video.