What is a good (free) screen recorder for minecraft?

I'm starting my YouTube channel, Shadowlink MC, and I need a good screen recorder that's free, not fraps, and that records voice and All the frames. Already tried hyper cam. Any other good ones? Also, any tips on how to grow channel and record good?

If you want a good screen recorder, you should try out Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen Capture. It's a free screen recorder you can easily download. Here is the link: http://www.microsoft.com/...soft.com/…

If you are running in Mac, you can try the snagit screen recorder.

If you want some good audio, you should get a cheap headset from best buy, or eBay.

I would leave everything behind and use only 1 software package called: 'DXtory'.
If you are recording you can use multiple channels which make it easier for you to edit them in Sony Vegas or where ever you want to edit them from. Also easy to learn and requires low resources of your computer.

Link here: http://exkode.com/dxtory-features-en.html