What Is A Better Laptop? HP Or Toshiba?

So, I'm Getting A Laptop Soon! But I'm Torn Apart By These 2 Laptops! There Both HP & Toshiba.

The Toshiba Laptop Is in The Satellite Series, Its 15.6in & 6gb w/ Windows 8

The HP Laptop Is in The Pavilion Series, Its 17.3in & 4gb w/ windows 8

I'm A Gamer, I Play Minecraft & sometimes World Of Warcraft. I Do Internet Browsing ALOT!

What is the best one?

HP… In general they are much more reliable and last longer.

I repair my neighbors' HP equipment regularly--one laptop is on 3rd HD in less than 2 yrs. I never buy HP computers but cheap laser printer works okay.
Forget using a laptop for fancy games--graphics are pathetic on most.


I can't stress that enough. I've had a rather old toshiba which has lasted upwards of 3 years and still going strong, even with continous gaming.

Go with Toshiba.

HP laptops are better than Toshiba and for you purpose HP is best! You must go with HP.

If those are your only options, then pick an HP laptop. BUT I've had so much better experience with Acer and Dell laptops/desktops. If you have the money, go with one of them. Hoppe this helps!

Of Course Skwizzy The Better Laptop Is A Laptop That Makes Sure You Do Not Type Like This And Prevents You From Typing Like This So I Suggest You Buy The Laptop That Prevents Talking Like This!