What happens if I use Flint n Steel on an Enderman? (minecraft)?

Hi, I'm playing Minecraft, survival in easy mode. It became dark so I went to bed. The next day I woke up and unexpectedly saw an Enderman near my spawn point (aka my house, etc.)
So now I have a desire to kill it, but I know their abilites. They can damage you and teleport (which is annoying). I want to kill it the safest and most efficient way possible. How do I kill him?
I thought about using flint and steel, but I'm VERY nervous and confused about using flint and steel beacuse i'm afraid my nearby house will burn down and the areas around it. If my house burns down, I'm kind of doomed because my house is directly on my spawn point and i don''t want to ruin my spawn point!
So Iff i set an enderman on fire, will the areas around him get burned as well? What happens if i miss him and accidentally sent a dirt block, etc. On fire?

Okay.safest way is to use the sword.
You can't directly set the enderman on fire, you can set the ground on fire, and he then needs to stand in that fire to be onfire. But if there are trees nearby from the place you set on fire, they might catch fire. Of course you could just punch the fire out.

when the endermans on fire he'll just teleport like crazy since hes taking damage, and once the fire burns out he'll be back for blood.
Best option is to whack him with a sword.
Don't use bow and arrow, since he teleports out of the way of the arrow.

Have fun!