What games should I play for youtube?

I want to start up a youtube channel, and I need to figure out what games to play. I want to be a call of duty commentator, nba 2k, and I play a few computer games as well.

I just need to know out of those games, which ones would be the best to commentate over, or if I should just do all of them. (no minecraft I can't stand it)

Any tips are appreciated!

GTA V online seems to be popular along with Minecraft.

You should play "studying for exams" and get a ******* job.

People now want to see the newest games being played, which is extremely costly when adding it up. Picking up a YouTube career is incredibly hard though, so it's best if you know someone with a good amount of subscribers to direct traffic your way before you dive in and make videos, it's not easy at all at first to do this.