What do y'all (yes I'm from Tennessee) think about Microsoft buying minecraft?

What do y'all (yes I'm from Tennessee) think about Microsoft buying minecraft?

I'm from Tennessee, too. Representing.

I love your accent!
Give me best answer instead?

Minecraft is boring

Why not, it's a game that dominates their number 1 chart for XBox players for months now. I'd personally like to have a bigger team developing the game than what it currently was. That also means Microsoft owns Bukkit.org -- will be interesting to watch what happens with that as MS isn't really into Open Source projects pertaining to an application that they own.

At this point, I'm indifferent. It's a game I used to host a major server with but now I just play with my daughter on our private server. I could care less who owns it and what new features they add or remove as it doesn't really impact me or my lively hood.

Great… Now we will have Minecraft 95… Full of ads for Bing add-ons and run by IE… Prepare for the game to run at glacial speed, and then crash and burn…