What are the dangers in putting in a grsphics card into a non gaming pc?

I need to know what would happen if i did this because even though i run games like gmod and minecraft at 30fps with my current one. I need more variety of games that i have in my steam library that have been untouched

I don't think there would be any danger, just make sure your PSU has enough wattage to support your graphics card. If it doesn't it won't turn on.

No danger at all. I had a graphic in mine but when it died I just reverted to the onboard graphic driver.

Nothing really, make sure your graphic card doesn't require any additional power plug which most newer ones do.

Consider upgrading your power supply… I upgraded my Graphics Card awhile back with an old PC and fried the power supply… Luckily we had an old dell laying around with enough juice to get it running again. (also make sure the graphics card will fit before you but it. (You don't want to buy a top of the line $700 PCI-E card only to find out your motherboard only supports PCI.) other than that you should be golden.

Seeing as All PCs NEED a graphics card (of sorts onboard or card) to display anything. Then no danger what so ever so long as it is compatable with the mainboard and PSU. Bear in mind you will most likely need to reinstall the OS due to the change (Depending on the OS of course)