Can I deliver a parcel from UK to HK by just putting the parcel in the red letter box?

Can I deliver a parcel from UK to HK by just putting the parcel in the red letter box?

So one of my subscribers won a giveaway on my YouTube channel: AaronsTech.
He lives in Hong Kong and he won a Minecraft game.
Problem is that can I just stick in the game in the red letter box with the right address and it will send?

No, if you just put a stamp on it and jam it into a post box, it will not be delivered.

You need to go to a Post Office; have the parcel weighed, complete a customs declaration and pay the correct postage.

You should check with the post office in the UK, it's them to decide whether your parcel can go or not.

Normally if the object is small and thin as a small pen or a ruler, there should not be a problem in mailing it out as a letter, otherwise, you will have to get the weight and measurement of the parcel from the post office to decide on the stamp and a customs declaration - This is how HK post office works, UK's should be similar as HK's gov systems resemble the UK's.

You run a competition on a web site, and don't even know how to post a simple parcel? Ever heard of postage stamps, let alone customs declarations!