Trapped in a dream? Black and white dream?

So I've been watching some conspiracy theories on youtube and it made me remember something that happened when I was younger. I still remember it vividly, it was when I was in primary school and I was sleeping on the floor in my front room because I had watched a scary movie and I was scared. I feel asleep and, at first, I didn't realize I was dreaming because in the dream I was at school, nothing weird, but I soon did, my dream was in black and white and when I tried to wake myself up I couldn't. I was terrified. To wake up from this dream I tightly closed my eyes. I find it strange that I actually still remember this because I usually never remember my dreams! Did this happen because of anxiety, stress or something else? Why was the dream in black and white? I'm really curious…

So I've been watching some conspiracy theories on youtube and it made me remember something that happened when I was younger. I still remember it vividly, it was when I was in primary school and I was sleeping on the floor in my front room because I had watched a scary movie and I was scared. I feel asleep and, at first, I didn't realize I was dreaming because in the dream I was at school, nothing weird, but I soon did, my dream was in black and white and when I tried to wake myself up I couldn't. I was terrified. To wake up from this dream I tightly closed my eyes. I find it strange that I actually still remember this because I usually never remember my dreams! Did this happen because of anxiety, stress or something else? Why was the dream in black and white? I'm really curious… Black and white is either a sign to somthing in the future or just lack of sleep(or alot of stress). When a brain is too tired to even think it takes out whatever is useless just to make room for the basic stuff. This is a good feature in our brain, without it we couldnt tell if we were dreaming or not AT ALL! Sometimes dreams will even be like MINECRAFT and stuff will render about five feet away from you. Remembering your dreams has to do with sleep patterns. So if you sleep too little or too late you won't remember your dreams.