Call of duty black ops 1 and 2 and minecraft, can someone explain these video games to me?

I'm a video games virgin and knno nothing! If I google these I just get too much useless information. Can someone who's plsyed these games explain them to me? I know a guy who plays these games and I was wondering if it makes him nerdy? Are these the nerdy-bum-virgin-loser type of game or do normal people play them?

Video games are a mainstream activity that millions of people around the world do, people of all ages and many types of people.

Call of Duty is a "military shooter". Lots of action, flashy special effects and stunts but light on story and plot. The multiplayer mode tends to get the most attention. People play it online and compete against each other in two teams in several different modes. Minecraft is a game that appeals particularly to creative people, you can build pretty much anything in it. There's no story or narrative since that's not really what it's about.

There are plenty of other kinds of games out there though. It's not all about Call of Duty or Minecraft. If you're looking for a story-based game that's covered, if you want sports then there are several of those out there, etc. There are more genres than I could name here.

Call of duty is a game with no eveolution, since 2007, howver advanced warfare might change my mind for once.
and minecraft is overrated.
If you want to get good at games really fast, play DARK SOULS!

Call of duty- kill people online or kill zombies
Minecraft (stupidest game ever)- put blocks down and build stuff