Step by step guide on building a desktop?

I need a new desktop to run games. Ii don't plan on running many. So far only Skyrim, Chivalry, Castle Crashers, TF2, Minecraft and Loadout. My current Laptop can run Minecraft, TF2, Loadout fine and could run Skyrim which is the game I most play fine until yesterday. Now it just has massive FPS drops that last for around a minute. Well cutting to the point. I need a guide on how to build a computer step by step. What should I consider buying first? Any sites to compare GPU, CPU, Motherboards etc. Any sites to buy pieces from(reliable). I live in Scotland so only sites from Britain.

1st is to look at what cpu, you wish to use amd/intel then mobos. The motherboard is the most important component. I recommend ASUS, look on their website for mobo manuals, they will tell you what ram cpu etc to use and connections, ie usb 3 sata etc. 2nd look at nvidia gpu as they are better than ati, nvidia has the best support and drivers. Gskill for the memory, samsung ssd, at least 1gb hdd. 850w psu a decent case ( plenty of ventilation) . Most mobos have their own soundboards.

look at AWD-IT, CCONLINE, OVERCLOCKERS plenty of companies out there. Also look on forums

Also look at for reviews on components and recommended builds.
If you find a motherboard you like, go to the maker's website and download the manual. It will have step by step instructions for installing it. You will see what is required.

There are plenty of youtube videos on the build process. You then need to decide on a budget. I would then get a copy of one of the computer mags such as PC Shopper and read up and then purchase your parts.

You can check your compatibility with Partpicker it will also suggest the cheapest suppliers,

Don't forget to add the cost of keyboard monitor mouse and speakers and operating system. It won't be any cheaper than buying off the shelf from one of the system builders though

For a reasonable gaming tower expect to pay around £700-800 on top of that the cost of peripherals

First choose the parts:

cpu ( processor )
gpu ( graphics card )

those are the most important parts. You can google and find a lot of topics about choosing the parts but i will help you little bit. For the cpu you can either choose amd or intel. For the gpu its either nvidia and amd. Also yo you need to make sure that the parts are compatible. For example if the cpu has LGA1055 socket then the motherboard has to have LGA1055 socket… The rest are up to you. Google is the best friend xD.

after choosing the parts you need to learn how to build a pc. Its really easy so don't worry you just need youtube xD. There are a lot of videos that can help you and some topics too.

here's a video: _7MbLxKRC4
another one: _56kyib-Ls << its a series of 3 videos ( choosing parts, building it, installing windows ) i didn't watch all of it i just watched the second one which is building a build.

a useful link for building a pc:

but videos are always better cause it gives you an idea.

lastly you need to install windows which is the easiest thing and doesn't need a tutorial:

just use the windows disk and all you do is click next next… And after installing windows you just need to install the drivers ( some cds that comes with the gpu/motherboard ). Thats it.

hope that helps

Edit: there are other parts of course ok i will list all of them:

hard drive
optical drive ( dvd/cd or bluray player )
cpu fan ( not important if you're not going to overclock and there a nice fan that comes with the cpu )