Should I get Minecraft or The Forest? - 1

Should I get Minecraft or The Forest?

Look at it this way
Pros: Has amazing single player worlds
Constantly being updated
Has nice physics
Cons: No multiplayer and I'm pretty sure there will never be any
Everytime there's an update, you lose all of your stuff on your world
Lots of glitches, some glitches are game breaking.

Pros: Infinite worlds (technically)
Amazing single player experience
has multiplayer where there are endless limits
Can be modded, customized. (So can The Forest, (I'm pretty sure.
Cons: Cost more than the forest
it has bad graphics, but graphics to not determine a game's play ability
You need a beefy computer to play on some of the higher settings

Here's another tip that seems to always help me make a decision, flip a coin, it's not the coin flip that matters, but the one you are secretly hoping to win.

The Forest, minecraft is fun, but it gets boring kind of quick.