Found wells in forest in Minecraft, is this normal?

I started a new world in Minecraft (PS3) and I spawned right next to a well in the forest biome. I didn't build it and there were no villages near by. I went over a hill near by and there was yet ANOTHER well.
I know about the naturally-occurring desert wells but I didn't know there were forest wells too. I tried Google but didn't find any info about it. Also, one of the wells I saw was right next to an abandoned mineshaft which was strange. Are these normal? Do they mean anything?

It sounds like there were just some minor generation errors. I've found a well that was probably around 100 blocks away from the village it belonged to and floating about 10 blocks in the air. It's pretty odd to have two there, but if nothing else it's just minecraft having world generation problems.

That happened to me too. (Xbox) Some random stone Well spawned in a forest in my world. Those are rare, but normal. After finding an article online, i learned that its not an error, its just a helping structure for survival, like if you ever need water and there's no ocean nearby just grab a bucket and pour yourself some good ol' water. C

No way! Maybe your Minecraft world is haunted. Maybe it spawned a small intelligence. You should submit that world to science.

Also, read the minecraft wiki.


Might be something new they added or when your world generated it forgot to add the villages

Can you atleast show us a picture?

In the PC version it is normal to see these kind of things around the world. I guess the new update on your PS3 added that. From what I know there are two kinds of well, Village well and desert well. I guess in your situation you got a Random Generation of well in your world. It's just a coincidence.