Why won't logmein hamachi work minecraft server for other player?

I can get in the server but he can't why is that?

Firstly, you will need to download the server files for multiplayer Minecraft from the official Minecraft site: https://minecraft.net/...t/download. To be safe since the official Minecraft one states 1.7.1, I will assume it will only support that version solely. Once you have done that, create a new folder and drop the.exe into it. If you have done that, skip it.

Next, install and login into Hamachi. At the top, should be a long list of numbers. The set of numbers before the / is your virtual IP address provided by Hamachi. Copy it down as you will use it later. Now go back to the Minecraft server.exe file and run it. Wait until everything loads, before you close it. Inside that folder, you should see more files. Find the.txt file that says ".server.properties". Open it with Notepad and search for a line that says "server-ip=". You will need to fill it in with the virtual IP from Hamachi earlier. Save the changes and run your minecraft server.exe again. Wait until everything loads as indicated by the "[INFO]Done" line appearing. Keep it open.

Run Minecraft and join your server. Your friend has to has the same version of Hamachi and Minecraft as you, otherwise he might not be able to join/see your server. If you have any mods or Forge installed, it probably will not work unless he gets the same ones as you. Once you have invited him into your Hamachi network, he simply has to connect to your server by hitting your Hamachi IP address in "Direct Connect".