What are the first few letters in front of some URLs?

For example some minecraft servers have a domain that starts with 'mc.xxxxxxx.com' In this case the domain starts with mc. So what does the mc. Mean and where does it come in?

It identifies a server (or a group of servers) owned by that domain.
With a small web site, the domain points to a server. In a large one, different servers perform different functions e.g. Sales.myco.com, product.myco, com, api.myco.com.

Mc= Mine Craft… Just a guess LOL

It means minecraft…

It identifies different websites within a domain. Not necessarily different computers as there can be more than one website per computer.
A domain owner can also create subdomains and sub-subdomains more-or-less without limit, so you could have websites called a.sales.example.com and b.sales.example.com, or silly things like jerry.gow.is.an.idiot.example.com