Professional/Creative writer needed?

Hi, so i'm looking for a really creative or professional write for fantastic idea here. So, basically i need ideas on backing up this feature i'm trying to create for a server on Minecraft.

Can you please try think of some information that can really help me thrive through this?

Here is my feature information, help me add more!:

Hey, I've had a cool idea that i'd like to share with you. Please do give feedback of what you think.

Personal House (This title could go on forever possibly, so i'll skip to the idea)

Basically, you can teleport to your own house area from something like the compass. I reckon you would have a separate inventory than you would on the servers. You can spend emeralds to expand your plot (This is all done from a menu like the one when you log into classes and such) and you can spend emeralds on customizing your house maybe through a construction menu or just by buying blocks from a menu and then placing them down. Also, maybe a feature could awaken for clans/villages, or you can invite friends over to your house and maybe a party feature there (with beautiful fireworks and so on). I understand there could be some problems due to this being serverside and costing alot of money, but i'm sure there could be some reasonable suggestions due to that throughout the network staff. Would be cool to have paintings or armour stands showing your characters armour and stats. I haven't thought about storage being in the house, because that could be possibly

Added (1). exploited for duping or something similar (But should be fine if all you can store is blocks you have purchased from a menu). This can go on with many ideas, so i'd like for all of you reading this to make some ideas below!

[Edit (New ideas)]
*You can access this house area only if you do a quest that gives you a certificate to own a house, then maybe you have to buy scrolls to teleport there only.

*Maybe depending on your highest level character, or the character you completed the quest with

Command block that says when you right click compass, it teleports you to command block, which will be in house