People can't join my minecraft server. I'm I missing something here?

I know this question comes up alot. Trust me I've read a ton of these, tried lots of tips but I still can't get people outside of my local network to join my server.
I have port forwarded using the IPV4 address.
I have turned OFF my firewall (i'm having problems adding rules to my firewall for ports(and yes I'm running it as an administrator.
I have a static IP.
I'm running my server through the minecraft_server.jar method.
I did create a.bat file for the server.
I went to "" too see if my port (25565) was open, but it is closed. On the forums it states that this is usually caused by the firewall but provided that the firewall is off this is clearly not the case. When my friend attempts to join my server it comes up with this error message: "Unable to connect to server: Connection timed out". I can, however, connect through localhost.
I've been at this for over 4 hours and I hope that someone can shed some light on my situation.

You need to forward the port 25565 to your computer's private IP inside your router's configuration. Look up your router model and "port forwarding" and you'll probably find instructions.

I'm having the same problem… Which sucks because i need help on my MASSIVE project… I blew up an island, dug down to the where all the lava is, made a gigant glass dome, put the water back on top and in the process of building a massive city through the walls of the whole, like 8 floors… And it is taking me FOREVER!

Try turning off antivirus.

You need to forward your port to:25565
and give your friends ip from this website
if that doesn't work try it trough "hamachi"
and try bukkit server