Minecraft Multiplayer / Server

Okay, so my sister and I have wanted to play minecraft together on the same server for a long time. Today I finally got my own account so we could do so.

I never realized how hard it is to do this.

So, I know I need to create a server. I can do it (I think) but it's just so complicated for what I want to do. All I want to do is build something in creative mood together.

Is there a server out there already that we can join that will allow us to do this? Or will I have to buckle down and just create my own server.

If I have to create own my own server, anyone have a good website on how to do this?

There are millions of great servers out there. Like on this website, you can set your preferences to see what you like (ex. Creative mode and building)
http://minecraft-server-list.com (there's a preference bar right at the top)
(By the way, I'm not held responsible if something happens in that server, cause you probably will learn that some people aren't so nice.)

Also, Youtube is always there for help. Again, there are millions of videos on how to make a server. For example … This one is a bit hard to understand.a bit of computer knowledge is also necessary. Try looking around for easier, basic videos… Thats all the info I can give you.

You can play multiplayer simply by clicking "Open to LAN". You can also find creative servers in minecraftforum.net

Well, if you and your sister just want to play alone, one of you go on single player, go into the options and click "Open to LAN" Then the other goes onto multiplayer and looks for the lan server. If you want other players in the server you're playing, you can go on www.minecraft-server-list.com and search "creative" and tons of servers will pop up! Have fun playing MInecraft.