I have set up permissions for my Bukkit server and was wondering how I could make an exception to the permission - '*' The star is a wildcard, another example of the usage of the star is: - 'vanish.*' This permission will allow the group to use any command whose permission begins in vanish. I have the DisguiseCraft plugin and want to make an exception to the permission so that I can disallow the ability to see through disguises and see my own. I don't want to type hundreds of permissions for everything else and was just looking for a way to make an exception to the permission - '*' Answer if you have an answer.
Minecraft Bukkit Server Permissions Inquiry?
You can do this to remove some of the perms.
- vanish.* (to include it at the beginning)
- -vanish.whatever.whatever (what you want to take away) [MUST PUT IN THE - SIGN IN THE FRONT]
You can also go onto Google and search up on how to setup Bukkit perms.