Lost money, should I take legal action?

This is quite a story, but I need some legal advice.
So, a while back, I paid Money to a Minecraft server, and received in game items that were guaranteed as lifetime. When I made the purchase, the Terms of Service was not readily available until after the purchase was made. So, after proceeding with the purchase I received my stuff and nothing else happened for a while. Then comes the last few months. The server COMPLETELY resets and it merge with a smaller server. Most f my items a returned, no biggie. Then, just this week, the server COMPLETELY shuts down. It then re-emerges as something COMPLETELY different. The game mode of which I paid for the items was gone and replaced. The rank I paid for was replaced by a way cheaper rank. My money is straight up gone. And I was wondering if whether legal action can and should be taken.

I would

If I was you I would just stop playing minecraft before you end up a 30 year old virgin