I need a new computer-related hobby?

I'm a 14 year old boy in highschool and I recently was demoted on a Minecraft server. Ever since that day, I haven't opening the minecraft launcher again. I've come to realize how beautiful life is and minecraft just takes that all away. Now, all I do is watch anime and youtube which i enjoy. However, I need something to replace minecraft because staring at a laptop screen all day can get tiring. My brother kind of codes and practices hacking stuff with kali linux and stuff like that. However, he does tell me at times that he's bored, and so am I. I don't want to go back to minecraft, but I need something else to do, I need a new hobby. However, this new hobby has to be computer-related. I don't want to be outside picking flowers lol. Thanks a bunch guys!

Added (1). Also, I'm interested in computer hardware (Like Gpu and stuff) While my brother is more interested in like coding and hacking routers and stuff.

Added (2). Also, in case you guys were wondering, I was demoted for being "childish" and "young" and they couldn't back up what they were saying about me. But I won't go into that, none of that matters to me anymore.

How about getting a hobby that has NOTHING to do with computers and gets you out of the house

How about coding games, the coding your brother does, can get boring due to very little reward in the end. Coding games, you have a goal to work towards and once completed, you have something to show for it. You can get friends to test it etc, plus it will also coincide with your interest in computer hardware as you will need to know stuff about the hardware to optimise your game for different specs

Why not learn a programming language then? You can pick up the fundamentals of algorythmic logic with just about any language, the only problem is deciding on one. I self-learned Basic and FORTH back in 1980, IIRC, and there are many more to choose from today. (QBasic used to be built right into Windows, but I don't know if it still is.) Python seems popular. PHP has a great many uses and would be a marketable skill. UNIX based languages such as Perl let you develop a great skill set. If nothing else just learning a scripting language is a very useful skill--there are scripting languages built into Windows. Here's a website discussing five: http://lifehacker.com/...1494256243

If coding isn't really up your alley, why not try robotics? Start small, with something simple like a hex-bug or something of the sort, and work your way up. I would guess that within a year, you could have the skills to build your own drone.

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