I'm not sure what to do with this player in Minecraft? Any suggestions?

I joined a new server that's just starting out about 2 days ago. The players on the server are really nice. One of the players asked for my skype and we voice called each other and played together on the server. Then he asked me to join on his own private server to play, even though he didn't ask any of my other online friend to join who he knows longer than me. We played in the world for a long time, and then me gave me a poppy that he named "Romantic Rose." And of course, I wasn't paying attention and I cleared it from my inventory by mistake. When I told him that, he gave me the rose again. He always asks for my opinions, like what do I think of his house, what plugins should he get, do i prefer it night or day, and do I like his server.

I'm nice to him and I don't have any problems with him. I just want your generally opinions on what you think about it.

I guess it depends on if your a guy or girl and depends on if he is a guy or girl it really depends.

If this helped or you have more questions contact me at mattdand96@gmail.com

Well first it depends how old you are. If you can get back to me on that it would be great. And second try not to make it too weird. If you are feeling somewhat uncomfortable just ask him what's going on. If he admits he likes you just tell him that you can be friends considering you don't know him well or in person.

PS. Are you a boy or a girl cause that would help a lot)