I can't log onto any Minecraft servers in 1.7.9?

I started playing minecraft again recently and have discovered that i'm unable to play on all but one server (uberminecraft.com). On joining a server it displays the message "loading game" for an abnormally long period of time (around 8 seconds), once on the server the game loads a few chunks in all directions but every player on my screen is frozen and I'm able to break any blocks, despite it being protected, and can run to the edge of the chunk and leap into the void. This occurs for awhile, usually around a minute or so then I'm given the error message "INTERNAL EXCEPTION: IO.NETTY.HANDLER.TIMEOUT.READTIMEOUTEXCEPTION" if i recall correctly.

Yet, I later discovered that early in the morning to around 11 am my Minecraft works fine, and will continue to work the whole day as long as I never leave the server. Even before 11 if I leave a server I can't rejoin it, but I'm able to get on other servers that I usually can't join as long as I don't leave those too.(I mostly play in the afternoons so I don't experience this often).

This makes me think that it may have something to do with my Internet, but there's nothing else wrong with it except this and every other game works fine. I'm very sure the isue is not caused by a faulty plugin as I experienced the same issue on a friends vanilla server.

I stopped playin Minecraft for 3 weeks due to this issue, and now upon return, when I'm kicked I just get a simple "Timed out".

This all occurred on 1.7.8 and 1.7.9.

Minecraft 1.7.8 - 1.7.9 have some bugs like the skin won't show even when you are at single player, but the problem you are having is just normal for a gamer with low budget (no offence), by low budget i meant can't afford a better internet connection or maybe you have a huge budget on it but still having problems then your local Wi-Fi/internet must be having problems at their station, and thats why you can't break blocks and players froze on your perspective, if this problem continue i recommend changing your internet to a much faster one

You're welcome