How to get Unbanned from a Minecraft Server? - 2

So the other day my cousins came to my house for a week. They wanted to play on my Minecraft so I let them. At their house though, they use hacks, so they decided to download the hacks onto my computer. They ended up getting me banned on one of favourite servers and I can't get back on. I've tried saying that I don't use hacks and it was my cousins who did it, but they won't believe me. I think I got MCbanned on it. Is there anyway I can get back onto the server?

No there's no way of getting back on the server, it was your account therefore you're responsible for it, no matter if you was the one playing or not. If it is only a timed ban then you should be aloud back on when the ban has ended but if it is perma ban then you're screwed, best go looking for a new server.

Your account, your responsibility. However, there are some server websites that let you appeal for your ban or buy an unban for around $5.