How to chargeback on minecraft?

I have donated around 300$ to a minecraft server and I got banned, how do I chargeback?

Usually, when you donate to a server you can't ask for your money back. If you push your case, the people who are reviewing it would usually say no, but on a whim the owner may give it back to you but they will most likely do it with a temper.

Seeing as you did 'donate' to a server, most people, lawyers and the law will side with the party which received the money, in which case you will not get your money back, unless you proved that the party receiving the funds, embezzled on those funds for other worldly activities; e.g. Buying games for them self.

Indian giver lmao

You probably won't be getting it back. EVER. The best you can hope for is ask for a fair trile or ask for foreignness. Maybe if they pitty you they'll give at least one quarter of it back. Half if you're lucky.

If you don't mind me asking, how come you donated so much?
It's very unlikely you'll get a chargeback