Does DDOS attack my firewall?

Does DDOS attack my firewall?

Added (1). I'm making a minecraft server locally that i want to publish but i'm worried about ddos attacks. If someone does a ddos attack on the port:25565 will that attack the computer and if not will it attack the firewall? I'm not sure how this works and i wanna get this up and running as soon as possible. Also how can i combat a ddos attack on my computer or firewall?

You don't really seem to know what you're talking about. Let me try to explain:

DDoSA is an acronym for "Distributed Denial Of Service Attack". The concept is simple: the attack works by using a large number of computers to make huge numbers of repeated requests to single server, overwhelming it with quantity. The technical details aren't really important. All of these are basically the same.

Remember, the point of all DoS attacks is to deny you internet service. If the contents of the packets being sent to you is malicious, an attack isn't a DoSA, it's a hacking attempt. Don't worry about that.

For all intents and purposes, you can't (and shouldn't try) to fight an attack on your server. You should report the attack to your internet service provider and to the FBI. Your ISP doesn't have an interest in letting it's clients be subject to attacks all the time.