Anyone else just get really burnt out on Minecraft?

Like I can play it for 2 weeks religiously on a new server and then I won't even think about touching it for a few months. It comes in spurts.

Anyone else like this? Good at Minecraft but you only binge play? Like for instance: I played 76+ hours in 2 weeks back in June. I haven't played since. Is that normal? Weird?

Anyone else get bored? Tips on how to stay active?

Uh Minecraft can get really really boring without any goals but my brother seems to play it aimlessly on faction servers

Yeah, that happens to me all the time when it comes to (most) games. Its just a matter of playing it too much in a short length of time and then you just get bored and start craving a different game. It's completely normal. As for staying active… Id suggest just playing for less amounts of time, that way you shouldn't get bored as quickly. Hope I was able to be of help.