Scottish boy starting YouTube - Any Advice?

Hi I'm a 13 year old boy who wants to make Minecraft ect. For younger kids but I'm scared if because I'm Scottish no one will have a clue what I'm saying. Should I go for it? I've spent £170 on stuff to do it - birthday money.

My son loves to watch YouTube videos of mine craft. If you are worried about the accent remember to pronunciate clearly and if you have to do a very quick recap at the end of each video.

Practice in front of the mirror a few times before you record, so you come across as natural. Unless your accent is thick as molasses, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Being self-conscious will make it harder to put your point across in your vids. IF it is strong, just slow down your speaking rate a bit.

Scottish Youtuber here. Cut out the Ayes and Naws, or just play to your stereo types. The best way to make youtube videos in confidence is to just record a live stream on Twitch or something like that. It's easier with friends as well.

Most Youtubers simply roll with their own personalities and don't try to play up to any stereotypes or anything like that. Make sure you're informative and have a reasonable idea with what you're doing (not expecting perfection, but few people can pull off the 'stumble blindly around with no idea what I'm doing' without being annoying.

My only advice is to seriously sit down and consider how well you cope with criticism - because everyone has opinions, and there a lot of trolls out there. And don't go about advertising on more successful youtubers comments page… It may gain you a few subs, but it will lose you a lot of potential ones.