Interesting toys for a creative boy who likes to build stuff but is getting older?

Interesting toys for a creative boy who likes to build stuff but is getting older? - 1

Added (1). I have a 10-year-old grandson who is very creative and loves building things. He has been a Lego fan in the past but is kind of outgrowing that. His current obsession is Minecraft, but he already has so many video games and his parents have a hard time peeling him away, so I'm trying to avoid more video stuff. Any good toys to recommend?

A girlfriend

How much older? If he's into cars or airplanes, there are different skill levels of models to build out there. Maybe check with a hobby shop.

Best wishes

Huh, like legos maybe? I mean that's about the only thing I can think of.

I would say you're never too old for legos but man minecraft is hard to beat. You can build so much. Kinects were a lot of fun at that age for me. Maybe an electronics or robotics kit.

Legos probably

Hi, I would recommend a "k'nex toy" or a "geomag toy" my two grandsons love them (they are 9&11 years old)

Maybe get him started on woodworking. Scrap boards and a hammer and nails don't cost much. A fret saw can allow children to make interesting stuff.

You can look up woodworking projects for children.

Are you into building staff too? IMO there's nothing better than time spent with Grandpa, so wouldn't it be terrific if the two of you could build something together?
You could find a project like building a modelship/plane/spacecraft whatever or something more practical like actual furniture that both of you work together on. It will forge a bond between you that is immeasurable and I bet whatever comes out will be treasured forever.