Resolution or FPS? Please choose?

I'm planning on recording some minecraft soon, but my computer can only record 1080p (Full HD) at 30fps, but if scaled down to 720p, it runs at a steady 60. Since now all big youtubers record their games in 60fps, I feel pressured to also do so, but it comes at such a cost to the actual video quality. What would you prefer to watch, 30fps at 1080, or 60fps at 720?

Personally? Id go 60 fps. Minecraft isn't exactly so graphically detailed that a video of it would make or break on resolution. It would be better to avoid potential frameskip, looks more professional. Just my opinion

Mmm. I've been wondering the same thing. I've decided to stick with 30fps. It's what I'm comfortable with, besides I can always change my mind in future.

That's a tough one. I'd say it depends.
Choose 1080p benefit if you want the graphic to be very detailed.
Choose 720p @ 60fps if you want the video to be smooth.
I'd personally pick 720p @ 60 fps because I want to avoid a choppy feel. Though I would pick 1080p @ 30fps for short films. However, contrary to what Ryan said, I think downscaling 1080p to 720p would make a noticeable difference. By downscaling, you do not convert the textures or details from high to low. What happens is that some vertical and horizontal lines are removed, causing the video to look pixelated or blurry. But since 720p is still considered HD, maybe it would still be safe to stick with it.