Why isn't the multiplayer on Minceraft ps3 working?

So i just recently bought the Minecraft ps3 edition and i wanted to do split screen. I read that you need to load up the world and then press select on the 2nd controller. I have already done that and it doesn't work. Do i have to have a HDMI cable connected? I have heard you need one of those also, i don't know how HD is supposed to make a difference but if that is why it won't work i will get one. Is there anything else that could be the problem?

You need an HDMI cable because splitscreen is only supported if your video resolution is 720p or higher.

Because Minecraft is a pixelated game, playing splitscreen on a 480p screen would make it incomprehensible to even look at.

That's why an HDTV and HDMI cable are required.

I have played multiplayer on my Minecraft and one day my brother tried playing as well but it wouldn't work. Any ideas why? (We have an HDTV and HDMI cable)

My mine craft split screen was working and now it isn't so frustrated dam you mine craft