Should I switch from ps3 switch to pc?

For the next generation of gaming I'm considering switching to pc. I have always used a playstation (3) for gaming and many games I played on my ps3 were exclusives or weren't available on pc. Most of the games I play are single player games like GTA, AC, infamous, RDR, uncharted, sleeping dogs,…
I don't play minecraft, FPS, MOBA's or MMORPG's. However I'm a little interested in strategy games like total war and stuff.
If I would build a pc, I would probably be using a controller most of the time and I don't know if that would always work well. Do you have to configure the controls yourself all the time or are they pre-set the same as they are on ps4 and xbone?
I also heard a lot of games get bad pc ports. So would it be worth it to build a pc?
Do a lot of people use a pc for the type of games I play?

Yes, PC is the way to go. Even if you stop gaming in the future, you still will have a high powered computer ready for whatever you through at it. Games like Arma 3, War Thunder, and Gmod are all PC exclusives (except War Thunder; also on PS4 for beta). If you are interested in mods for games, better graphics, and higher fps, then a PC is, something you would want. If you do choose to get a gaming PC, buy your parts off of Newegg. Hope this helped!

PC. I'm going to build a PC soon and this is coming from a 360 user.

PS4 and Xbox One are way more overpriced than a PC when you take the yearly membership into account.

Well I'm a gamer myself I have a leveno laptop but it. Doesn't work half of the time I'm thinking of selling it and getting 1 of the better brands I would switch to ps4 cause they're working on virtual reality gaming at the moment so I would get that and maybe a gamming laptop as 4 controles i don't know how you configure them but you might have to have a cord or some type of program I no you can configure the xbox controll