Really bad lag in PC games?

Lately all my PC games have been really laggy online. They're basically unplayable. I can play on my PlayStation with little to no lag at all, however every game on PC lags terribly. I use an AT&T 4gLTE hotspot for my connection. I know it isn't the most stable connection but its usually barely noticeable. TF2 shows huge lag spikes and has crazy rubberbanding, and Minecraft which used to have no lag at all is totally unplayable. I've done a virus scan, checked to see if something was connected to the network, and checked my resource monitor. Anyone have a suggestion for me? Everything besides playing games is fine, downloads, YouTube etc…

Added (1). Windows 7 home premium 64-bit
Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz (4 CPUs) ~3.2GHz
16384MB RAM
DirectX 11
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 4038 MB
CPU is reading about 50 degrees celcius after playing about 10 minutes.
Really bad lag in PC games screenshot of TF2's netgraph

Your PC is probably overheating while you are gaming.

What are the specs of your PC? If you are are Running Windows for Games then its most likely overheating to the video card and fragmenting to the hard disk

Try changing your primary DNS to and secondary DNS to this is Google's public dns