I have a Really bad virus, how do I stop it? (Read Description)?

I have a virus on my windows 8 computer that prevents me from running applications, and has also made itself an administrator. I can't use any program as an administrator, (specifically command prompt) And if I try to create new accounts, The virus won't let me. I can barely do anything in settings that will change the virus at all, please help. This computer is only a few months old and I don't want to buy a new one.

Recently, I went to a website with an ad about some "media player update" and accidentally clicked on it, thinking i clicked something else, i waited until I got this screen with a loading thing with a kind of bootleg look of adobe flash. I immediately closed out. Little did i know that the virus already loaded itself onto the computer. I first noticed this when i tried to play on a minecraft server and it didn't work. When I tried to resolve the problem, command prompt didn't work.

Added (1). Don't mind the question mark

Download Malwarebytes. It will take care of it.

Download lockhunter and remove all locks from the virus and delete it. It does not require admin privileges. To find the virus just ctr shift esc and it will open a menu. Click on processes and delete anything suspicious(typically are taking up the most ram) and clear the process. Be sure to do both. If it can't delete use lockhunter. Find the folder location either by searching for it or right click the process and click folder location, and put in in lockhunter. Press remove all system locks and then delete it. Sometimes it will take multiple tries.