Is Minecraft appropriate for an 11 year old?

I'm doing Christmas shopping and My son has a PS4, He wanted GTA 5 and Minecraft. I just did a little Christmas shopping yesterday and got him GTA 5. The stores were out of Minecraft.

Yes it is, but GTA 5 is not appropriate for a 11 year old.

The single player game, absolutely.

The online multi-player realms, not so much.

Get him manhunt its good

GTA 5 is not really appropriate for 11 year olds, I have replayed it 3-4 times… The game is awesome, but not sure how will the boy react on the content.

It's appropriate for all ages, online as well, just find a good friendly server.

Get him Leisure Suit Larry

If your gonna let him play grand theft auto then mine craft isn't gonna is okay.

Way too young for GTA, take it back, but he may be too old for mincraft, mc is more appropriate for a 6 year old

Minecraft is fine for an 11 year old, and many people who are a lot older enjoy it, too. If anything, I'd say GTA is not appropriate for an 11 year old. That's just full of crime. Return GTA and find a copy of MC.