I have enough money to buy ANY PS4 VIDEO GAME! What game should I get?

I already own Overwatch, Infinite Warfare, Battle Field 1, Mortal Kombat XL, and Minecraft. What would be a great, new addition?

Gears of War! Haha xbox ftw

More details man, you need to tell us your genre preference

Try outlast 2 or resident evil biohazard… Would be good to change the genre sometimes.horror

I agree with Cyber, we need to know a bit more about you to make this decision. I can tell you like shooters, though, and if you want another one, I'd go for Titanfall 2. Great campaign, fun and chaotic multiplayer, and all future DLC (excluding skins) will be free. The price has gone down, too, so you'll have some money left over.

Ghost recon, the defromers, sniper elite, watch dogs 2, halo wars 2

Destiny (complete edition) I can't put it down

If you want wait for Tekken 7 which come in another few days the injustice 2 & The surge

But if you want you can get the friday the 13th the video game

Dishonoured 2

Black ops 3 I know that it seems old but it's fun to play

GTA 5 endless fun