How to deal with a cousin addicted to technology?

I'm a 15 y/o male. I frequently visit my aunt, uncle, and cousin. He is almost 10 and addicted to everything. Every time I visit, he totally ignores me and spends all day on YouTube, Minecraft, Pokémon, Thomas The Train and playing on his smartphone.

One time: I came back from watching Jurassic World, I loved it so much that I bought the video game that I played for only 15 minutes. He just snatched it from me and played it on my PS3 for 8 hours straight. When his parents yelled at him to stop, he began crying till they allowed him to play till 12 A.M(His bedtime)

Another time, me and my sister told him we needed the PC at 8 to play Life Is Strange and to not come in as he was too young. He used the PC for 7 hours, At 9: in the middle of our game, he walks in as he remembered he was in the middle of a YouTube video and wanted to complete it. We told him to watch it on his phone but he said he got it taken away. Since we told him 8, we said no: He kept walking in and asked, "Are you done yet?". He then made a tantrum till his parents gave him his phone back, making him happy again.

I feel pity for how he gets pretty much everything. I grow up in a technologically backwards place, allowing me to play outside with my friends. Unlike me, he didn't grow up like that. He has a bedtime of 12 A.M, this makes me feel worried as I couldn't sleep till then before 10th grade(Homework). He annoys me and my older sister when he is playing Minecraft. I don't know what to do!

Yes he clearly has a problem. I think this is becoming more of a trend. 2 or 3 year olds already play on tablets, and they are starting to get addicted. Dose he have friends that he hangs out with? Hes addiction could be a coping method. Or simply filling the void of no friendship.

I know this is kinda rude, but dose hes family have a history of addiction problems? Alcohol, drugs, or gambling which is simualre to addiction to the computer and video games,

IF either of these are true, I would think he should go a psychologist or psychiatrist. If not, hes parents just need to do better jobs of not caving in. Also life is strange is a amazing game.

I don't know if I'm going to explain this well… But when I was a kiddo, I was a Especially in the 5th grade, puberty made me lock myself in my room and sit on the computer to the point I had no idea my mom underwent a surgery (serious). I was pretty much at a point of no return. The only thing that caught my attention was seeing how much it hurt my family. My mom was crying in the kitchen one day because "she's a monster!". So maybe if you found some way to show him how much it hurts you?! Maybe don't talk to him when he's using technology. No matter how big of a fit he throws. Train him like pavlovs dogs. I'm no good with kiddos, never had em in my family so take what you read with a grain of salt!

I used to be addicted to PS1, until my cousins started making fun of me, saying I had no friends and I've never been outside.
My desperation to gain respect from them made me stop.
I don't know what you'd do with this info but hopefully it helps.

Well depending on how you brother reacts to things you can bully him out of video games or you can drag him out into the open world without technology. If your gonna bully him out of it he might "cave in" and find an emotional attachment to video games to get away from everyone and if you drag him out into the open world he might throw tantrums.
I'd tell your mum to send him to a summer camp or do some activities outside after school hours to help him socially, physically and mentally. I too also have a brother who is TOTALLY OBSESSED with youtube, minecraft, video games - you name it! It's his life support! So me and my mum sign him up to various of activities like tennis, soccer, bowling - or we go to the movies, dining out, shopping, park and we even use to all go to the gym together!
But from what your describing he really needs to learn how to socialise with other kids and everyone around him because it'll affect him later in life where he'll have no friends and he'll keep playing video games to cure his loneliness and depression - especially in high school! He might have trouble in school with other kids that could possibly be affecting him?
I don't know, but his only 10 so he won't understand the consequences in the long run about his gaming addiction so either make him do activities outside school.weekends, find out if there are problems in school (bullying), does he have mental health problems (like addiction, depression, anti-social), bully him out of it or should have better parenting, I cringe everytime someone gives into their child! Dx

I wouldve pulled the plug on the net