Suggest any ps3 games for people who love stuff like Skyrim V Elder Scrolls?

I don't like many games, especially modern ones like COD and FIFA. I love to be able to have my own house, choose/make my own characters, do quests, play online if I want too…

I find it really hard to find games. Currently the only ones I have are the Elder scrolls V Skyrim and Lara croft. I do like games like Spyro, minecraft, the sims and Crash bandicoot but I'm looking for more of a challenge now I'm 23.

I really like medieval fantasy stuff, but can never find any, especially ones with good graphics, which is really important too me! I loved EverQuest II but as far as I know, its only on the PC.

Please someone, put me out of my misery! I need great game suggestions! I don't mind if they are a bit older, as long as the graphics are good!

I have the exact same problem, except I love the modern stuff. My sister though LOVES Skyrim and everything you're into. I suggest Castlevania, she tried it and said she really liked it. I recommend that because you both like the same type of games, so search that up and see if it suits your fancy. ~ Tenny

Have you tried 'Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning'? It's very much like Skyrim.

Also the previous Elder Scrolls game 'Oblivion' is a good one. You might like it. The graphics are still good, but not as good as Skyrim.

I played 900 hours of Skyrim on PS3. On PS3, I also enjoyed Fallout: New Vegas, Dishonored, Red Dead Redemption and Bioshock. But, out of those games, only FNV has character customization - it's not "medieval fantasy" but it is very similar to Skyrim. There are just ghouls instead of draugr, deathclaws instead of dragons, raiders instead of bandits, etc. The controls and game mechanics are very similar to Elder Scrolls.

I played Oblivion for awhile, but stopped to play Fallout 4 (on PS4). Have you played any of the Assassin's Creed games? I played ACII - it's not quite Skyrim, and it's a lot of jumping puzzles (which I don't like) but I thought the graphics and story were really good, and it's very medieval, since it's based on actual history, not just made up fantasy stuff.

Some people have recommended Assassin's Creed Black Flag as a good game, too, but I haven't played it yet. I also know a lot of people who like the Dragon Age and Witcher games. I can't get into them, but you might like them.