Console or PC for elder scrolls online?

I'm so excited for the elder scrolls online. But I don't know what's best for it.
Is console better? Or pc?
Will pc be better because there will be a lot of people?
EXTRA: I'm mostly used to console for good games, like COD Ghosts, Battlefield 4, ac 4, NBA 2K 14, Etc…
But I play stuff like Terreria, Starbound, Minecraft, Magicka WW. And very good games like farcry3, Dota 2, NCG (next car game) and BioShock infinite on PC.
Console: fps.
PC: simple indie games and very good games.

It sounds like you like both. I'd recommend the PC version since skyrim PC has a lot more features compared to console. Usually those type of games are better on PC. I'd say fps are better on PC too.