Are there other endless games like COD Zombies and Extinction?

I've played COD zombies and Extinction on PS3 and like the concept of a game that truly can never be beat therefore always giving me a chance to improve (don't really know why but oh well) and was wondering if there are other games or game modes like this other than these two that I can get for PS3 or PC.
So again more or less and game that can never beat, continually gets harder and preferably is a multiplier.

Minecraft, the game has virtually no limits (unless you're going up to the clouds)

most fighting games (Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc.), you can go to training mode with a character you like and keep training with the computer set to battle mode or you could just go to survival mode if the game has one

and that's all I can really think of

Tokyo Jungle's survival mode is endless from what I understand.

GTA V. Multiplayer is awesome.