Minecraft town. Need ideas?

I have a town on minecraft pocket edition but I need more ideas for my town. I have an arena, a public pool, a public mine, a 4 storied apartment, 2 rentable homes, and a library

I would maybe make a town hall type thing in the middle and live in a house way above it and then you could do that metal bar trick thing to get back down. Then maybe make some stone brick walls and maybe an iron door (is that in pocket edition?). Put like a button there or something and put torches all over? If it was pc I'd say spawn some villagers but… Yeah just some ideas. Maybe a workshop with furnaces and crafting tables… And like an arcane house with an enchanting table and books (is that in the pocket edition? Lol I forget I've been using pc recently). Maybe a forge… Make a stone thing and fill it with lava and make it look like a forge? Lol. Yeah that's all I got.