Minecraft pe: can't see what I'm typing?

Minecraft pe: can't see what I'm typing?

Added (1). I can't see anything I'm typing I changed keyboard nothing happens. When I type a name for a world or I label a sign I can't see anything I'm typing

What version are you on? This bug was fixed for most people when 0.9.5 came out. If you are on version 0.9.3 and 0.9.4 you should update it because a lot of bugs were fixed including this one.

Mine is 13.1 and when i type there's a black square and i can't see

Saame problem.

My update is 14.0 and when I type i see nothing. Can someone please tell me how to fix it

Mine is on 14 and i still can't see what i'm saying its really annoying